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CPhI China opens as country invests in R&D

发布时间: 2019/12/9 9:59:02   被阅览数: 8985 次    来源:http://www.en-cphi.cn/news/show-22393.html   作者:http://www.en-cphi.cn/news/show-22393.html

June 23, 2015 By europeanpharmaceuticalreview


CPhI China, hosted by UBM EMEA and CCCMHPIE and co-organised by UBM Sinoexpo, returns to the Shanghai New International Exhibition Centre, SNIEC, China from 24 to 26 June 2015. 

The event celebrates a decade in partnership with P-MEC China and will co-locate with ICSE, BioPh, Innopack, LABWorld, Fi Asia China and Hi China. 

One of the largest pharmaceutical markets in the world, China is now the leading international producer of pharmaceutical ingredients, and is forecast to reach a staggering $154 billion by 2018. The domestic industry continues to expand at a double-digit rate, driven by improvements in intellectual property protection, increased Government support for R&D, alongside a gentrifying population, expanding medical coverage and growing exports. 

This eight-shows-in-one event brings China’s entire pharmaceutical supply chain together in one location, with global suppliers of raw materials, ingredients, packaging solutions, machinery, manufacturing and more present – over 30,000 visitors are expected to attend.

CPhI & P-MEC China provides the perfect platform to harness the market’s considerable opportunities and has evolved and grown alongside the market for the last 15-years – 2015 sees the floor space expanded to 140,000 square metres, accommodating over 2,800 exhibitors from 100+ countries. An extensive programme of 80+ conferences, summits and seminars will feature across the three-day event, including the 6th China World CEO Summit; 2015 Pharmaceutical R&D innovation and Outsourcing Management Conversation; and 2nd BioPh China Summit 2015, to name just a few.

“CPhI China is an excellent exhibition for manufacturers, buyers and traders, and for sourcing new business; I very much appreciate this type of gathering. Hopefully, CPhI China will continue to return here for a long time,” said Munshi Darul Islam, Proprietor & CEO, Total Pharma/Total Herbal & Nutraceuticals. 

Huge opportunities in China for growth, exportation and development in the pharmaceutical market

The CPhI China mobile app, well defined zoning system and the 5th Buyers sourcing event enable attendees to efficiently schedule their time at the show and traverse the diverse range of contacts and businesses. These services aid on-site navigation and help visitors to arrange one-to-one meetings, gather new leads and cement existing business contacts.

Erik Heemskerk, Brand Director at UBM EMEA, commented, “CPhI & P-MEC China continue to expand and meet the demand of the nation’s burgeoning pharmaceutical market. There are huge opportunities in this region for growth, exportation and development, particularly with the Government’s backing to boost the R&D sector. This event plays a critical role in bringing together both domestic and international buyers and suppliers to sustain new business partnerships and continue driving innovation.”

Highlights of CPhI & P-MEC China 2015:

Co-location with ICSE, BioPh, Innopack, LABWorld, Fi Asia China and Hi China

New Pharma logistics zone

Meet with key pharma executives from across the globe and network with potential business partners

Extensive programme of conferences, summits and seminars gives great opportunity to learn about the latest innovations, technologies, trends and developments

CPhI China mobile app and 5th Buyers sourcing event to enable attendees to efficiently schedule their time
